
Welcome to my CARRD!In here, you will find out about me, see my INTERESTS, my KINLIST, information BEFORE YOU INTERACT, PONYTOWN info, and some other stuff.This CARRD is quite lengthy and mostly includes a lot of pointless shenanigans, so below will be a TABLE OF CONTENTS if you want to skip past all the silly stuff just to get your juicy knowledge. To return to this page, just click the "start over" links on each page. However, if you wish to trudge through this whole thing, be my guest and have fun! It was a blast to make. Still technically a WIP, but all the important stuff is already here.Click on the gif above to proceed.

Home Page

A young man stands in his bedroom. It just so happens that not today, the 2nd of December, is this young man's birthday. Though it was nineteen years ago he was given life, it is only today he will be given a name!What will the name of this young man be?

Examine room.

Your name is JOHN. And it is also HARA, LIAM, DIRK, ROXAS, HAL, GREY and STEVEN. You have many names and use them interchangeably, but "Grey" and "Steven" are your favorites right now. You are a NONBINARY TRANSMASC and use HE/THEY pronouns. You have a variety of INTERESTS. You have a passion for WRITING CREATIVE LITERATURE of your own stories, as well as DRAWING which you are currently going to COLLEGE for. You like internet ARGs and PUZZLE SOLVING, though you're not the best at it. You have a fondness for MUSIC which you listen to constantly. You also like to play VIDEO GAMES with your friends sometimes.What will you do?

Learn more about these "interests".

You are a big fan of various forms of media, POKEMON and HOMESTUCK being your current hyperfixations as of now, but you have a fondness for all the properties you've somehow collected into your MAGIC CHEST.This makes no sense.Among these interests are POKEMON, THE WORLD ENDS WITH YOU, HOMESTUCK, the PERSONA series, ACE ATTORNEY, EPITHET ERASED, ONE (along with other OBJECT SHOWS), SONIC THE HEDGEHOG, KINGDOM HEARTS, FIRE EMBLEM, PROFESSOR LAYTON, WARRIOR CATS, and SUPER MARIO.You like to talk to people who share any of these INTERESTS with you.

Examine your "kinlist".

Ah, yes. Your glorious KINLIST. With a whopping six (secretly seven) entries. Fucking incredible.These five characters are JOHN EGBERT, DIRK STRIDER and LIL HAL from HOMESTUCK, ROXAS from KINGDOM HEARTS, GREY from FNF LULLABY and LIAM PLECAK from ONE. Also STEVEN from STRANGLED RED but you have yet to make a new kinlist image cause you cannot fit him in this one. The first character listed was probably pretty obvious by now. They are the only characters you have ever admitted to KINNING. They both hold a very special place in your heart, not only because they're "just like you fr" but also because they are your FICTIONKINS. You...think?You're not actually completely sure what to refer to them as at this point, but as far as you're concerned, you are these characters. No question about it. They are you.You ask people to please not separate you from your FICTIONKINS. Especially John, Grey and Hal. Being separated from them in particular makes you very upset. These characters are you and you are them. Fucking deal with it.You're a bit iffy on interacting with other people who identify as the same characters as you sometimes, but generally you'd say you're okay with it, as long as it's not being made into a competition for your identity.

Examine your computer.

You pull up to your COMPUTER. This is where you spend most of your time. Your desktop is littered with various GAME APPLICATIONS and FOLDERS containing various IMAGES and VIDEOS.Most of your time on this COMPUTER is spent PLAYING GAMES, WRITING, DRAWING, or talking to people online. Especially on a certain HORSE GAME which you bet many people found this CARRD through. Though you do have some INFORMATION people should be aware of before interacting with you.

Think about this information.

Ignoring the sudden clever disguise, you think about your online BOUNDARIES, as well as general information people should know. This will be a lengthy section.You suffer from very severe SOCIAL ANXIETY which often hinders your ability to talk to people. You are seeking THERAPY for it, but it's still a common issue. As well as your sudden MOOD SWINGS which cause your moods to change on a whim, often times being influenced by the emotions around you. You also suffer from PARANOIA which sometimes makes you believe eyes are always on you.Since you are a John FICTIONKIN who is a TRANSMASC, you are not comfortable with the June Egbert headcanon being shoved onto you. You think the headcanon is valid and respect it, but it makes you uncomfortable when it's treated as 100% canon in your presence. You have no ill will towards any June believers out there though, and no issues with them or their interpretations of John, but the John that is you is not a transfem.You aren't very good with NEO PRONOUNS at the moment due to lack of experience using them, you are currently learning to. If people want you to use them when addressing them, you advise them to be patient with you and encourage them to explain their NEOS to you so you can hopefully use them properly.You have issues with people talking over you or stealing the conversation from you in both text and in VC. It's very discouraging for you and you find it happens too frequently, intentional or not. It makes you very upset.You don't like when people compare your ORIGINAL CHARCATERS to already existing characters by using the phrase "oh, they're just like (insert media character here)!". It makes you feel unoriginal and self conscious and you'd prefer comparisons to be made more passively such as; "oh, they kinda remind me of (insert media character] here)". You're just a bit sensitive about it, is all!You make "kill yourself" or "killing myself" jokes sometimes and if this makes someone uncomfortable, they should let you know and you'll stop.You have a tendency to be a massive PESSIMIST and cannot help this fact. It's just the way you are and you can't control it.You generally do not mind other people's INTERESTS in media even if they're considered "cringe" by common standard. You believe people can enjoy whatever they want as long as it's not actively hurting people and as long as they can be critical of the faults in said media they consume. no media is flawless.You aren't comfortable sharing your BLACKLIST and DNI for the whole world to see, you're afraid.



N...No!Some things are best kept in private! But you guess you can lay down the basics that everybody else has.Typically you just block people who make you uncomfortable, but basic DNI: proshippers, racists, ableists, homophobes, transphobes, zoophiles, etc.You know the deal!

This "horse game" you speak of?

Ignoring the sudden mess that seems to litter your ROOM, you think about the "HORSE GAME" you had just referred to.This GAME would be PONYTOWN, to nobody's surprise. Though you have never watched the show, you enjoy the character customization and talking to people who share your INTERESTS.You spend a lot of time on here, in the 18+ SERVER usually in the HOMESTUCK AREA, you you tend to go to OTHER SPOTS on rare occasion. You're usually AFK or tabbed out, but if people send you whispers, you'll get back to them soon.You are known for a few things in this area, such as your countless JOHN EGBERT SKINS and the EMOTIONAL DIRK nonsense which seems to be spreading as the clock ticks.You have specialized BOUNDARIES for this game, too. Which you also believe people should know before approaching you.

Think about your boundaries.

If you are in "DO NOT DISTURB" status, you are probably in a bad mood. Or if you're in DO NOT DISTURB and your avatar is asleep, you're probably busy irl and are away from your COMPUTER.You think BOOPS are allowed and very welcome and you do BOOP back, so if someone has a touch discomfort, maybe they shouldn't BOOP you.You think CUDDLES are okay and you have no issues with them.You don't like when people KISS you randomly, as it makes you uncomfortable. If you've already been talking to this person or are in a situation where you may find it humorous, sure. But more often then not, you get upset and turn your head away or sneeze at the person in response as a form of rejection.You don't like when people cover up your SKIN by sitting directly in front of you. It annoys you a lot and it's just flat out rude, especially if you were there first.You don't like when people friend you randomly before even talking to you. It's strange and you'd rather not have a FRIENDS LIST full of people you never talk to.Random people hitting on you is a massive no-no in your book. You aren't interested in partaking in romance or ERP with horny strangers. Cosplay is not consent!You don't think people under 15 years old on the 18+ SERVER should interact with you. Bluntly, you don't think minors should be on the 18+ SERVER anyways, but you aren't their parent and therefor can't stop them. But it still feels weird to talk to someone that much younger than you in a strictly adult space, so you'd rather not talk to them at all.


Examine these "other spots" mentioned.

You pull open a CONVENIENT MAP to show off the places you usually tend to be.The HOMESTUCK AREA is your most common spot, just above one of the trees. You rarely move from here. Though sometimes when you are overwhelmed, you go to a clearing in the PINE FOREST instead.You do not go to the BEACH often, but sometimes you're feeling a little adventurous.

Admire your various skins.

You were not kidding when you said you had a lot of JOHN SKINS. Maybe you have a bit of a problem.You switch between these skins interchangeably but the REGULAR, GOD TIER, VRISKA OUTFIT, and WISE GUY variants are your most common. They are your favorites and you're very proud of them.

"Emotional Dirk?"

You have created a force of nature. Every day you live in fear of your creation.Just kidding, you think it's fucking hilarious and will explain nothing unless someone asks about it.

Yeah that's about it.

You look out your WINDOW all dramatic-like cause that's about all there is to know about you right now. Maybe you will update this again sometime in the future.

= = >

Holy shit, it's Karkat Vantas from Homestuck!Since when did he get there?

= = >

Could it be? The BELOVED PARTNER you were just referring to? Why, it just might be!You can feel the homosexuality flowing through your veins right now.

= = >

But you quickly see something that instantly sours your mood and decreases your image resolution for a moment.The audacity! The nerve!!

= = >

That traitor! Bringing the batter witch right into your home! You cannot believe this act of disrespect.


You shake your fist in rage. That'll show him! You must make your negative emotions known for the whole fucking world to see.

Be afraid.

He's taken your biggest weaknesses and is threatening you with them. Oh god. Oh no.

Freak the fuck out.

You do just that. Panic is among you as you struggle to comprehend what the fuck is even going on right now. This makes no fucking sense! Somehow less sense than usual!And now your room is even more of a mess. How does this keep happening?

Consider surrendering.

The combined powers of the batter witch and the freaky clown may be too much for you to fend off.Could surrendering be your only choice? Should you abandon all hope?

= = >

No.Not yet.The last shreds of your dignity will not be tossed away so easily. But this decision doesn't do much to help your distress.

Consider your options.

Surrendering isn't an option, so your best option is to fight back.But it's three against one, so you'd be fucked. Maybe you should get backup. Perhaps your DAD could help you out?You guess he's really the only choice you have at the moment.

Exit your room.

You exit your ROOM and cautiously look around the HALLS. The coast seems to be clear, at least for now.If you had to guess, your DAD would be DOWNSTAIRS, possibly in the KITCHEN.You should hurry. It won't be long before Karkat breaches your home's defenses and finds you.

Go downstairs and find your dad.

Oh shit! The demon has found its way inside your home already! It seems your totally real defenses were not strong enough.It seems like it has already used the forbidden batter to create a monstrous cake, at the cost of an arm. Damn, that cake must be dangerous!You have to defend yourself somehow against this thing. Who knows what it's capable of?(Note. The rest of this Carrd is unfinished so there's nothing past this point. It will be updated occasionally when I feel up to it!)